Immunization Resources for Vaccine Providers

COVID-19 VACCINES - For more information on the COVID-19 vaccines, please visit the dedicated webpage.

EXPANDED VACCINE ELIGIBILITY - Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, some individuals may have missed their opportunity to receive the recommended vaccines (grade-based, age-based, high risk) under the publicly funded program. TBDHU is encouraging these individuals, including children, to reach out to their health care provider to ensure they are up-to-date.

HEALTH UNIT IMMUNIZATION CLINICS - For more information about TBDHU’s immunization options, visit the Immunization Clinics page.


The TBDHU provides support to health care providers in a variety of ways:

  • Supplying vaccines, including the flu vaccine.
  • Ensuring vaccine providers follow Ontario’s vaccine storage and handling guidelines.
  • Providing support and information about immunizations, outbreaks, and other disease-related topics affecting public health.
  • Providing support and information in relation to adverse effects of immunization, including reporting.

Last Updated: