Substance Use and Stigma

I Heart someone Who Uses Drugs
Right click on the graphic above to save to your desktop and consider using it in your email signature throughout the month of May.

Reading about these topics can be hard. If you find yourself needing support, our Mental Health Resource page has a list of local and online supports.

Substance Use Health

Substance use health refers to the overall well-being and safety of individuals in relation to their use of drugs or alcohol. This concept promotes safer use practices, preventing harm, supporting recovery, and reducing the stigma associated with substance use. People use substances, such as controlled and illegal drugs, cannabis, tobacco/nicotine and alcohol for different reasons, including medical purposes; religious or ceremonial purposes; personal enjoyment; or to cope with stress, trauma or pain. Substance use is different for everyone and can be viewed on a spectrum with varying stages of benefits and harms.



As a community we want to challenge the stigma associated with substance use and encourage more open and honest conversations. Organizations in the TBDHU region have signed up to receive anti-stigma kits to spread the message. Individuals can also participate this May by:

  • Learning about substance use health, stigma, and person-first language
  • Wearing an "I heart" button and adding the image to your email signature
  • Filling out a testimonial card
  • Posting a photo wearing the button on your organization’s social media channels or on your personal social media; suggested hashtags: #StopStigma #StigmaEndsWithMe #IHeartSomeoneWhoUsesDrugs #HarmReduction
  • Please click on the resource below for more information.



What is Stigma?

Stigma is a deep-seated cultural issue that leads to discrimination and unfair treatment of certain groups. It involves treating people as if they are less human or less valuable, often based on stereotypes. People who use drugs are one such group that faces this stigma. It can show up in the form of negative attitudes, shaming, or discriminatory language, and can also be seen in laws, policies  and practices that unfairly target people who use drugs. Stigma can even be internalized, meaning that those who are stigmatized may start to believe the negative things said about them. Because of this stigma, many people who use drugs find it hard to live healthier and more connected lives, especially if their drug use is seen as excessive or problematic.

People who use drugs may:

  • Face stigma and discrimination when trying to access healthcare, education, housing, and jobs;
  • Find that the systems meant to provide services and support often shut them out;
  • Encounter doctors, teachers, employers, and others who have fixed negative beliefs about drug use, leading to more discrimination, blame, and mistreatment;
  • Internalize these negative attitudes, making it harder for them to seek help or believe that they can recover.



Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Stay tuned for upcoming workshops listed here!


What is Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction is part of everyday life. Every time we take extra steps to stay safe when engaging in an activity that has some risk – such as wearing a seat belt while driving – we are using harm reduction tools and strategies.

examples of harm reduction

However, harm reduction isn't just about safety measures. It also involves a compassionate, non-judgmental approach to health, recognizing that drug use is a complex issue tied to social inequities. Harm reduction services aim to minimize risks for people who use drugs by providing supplies, sharing information, and offering support through community connections. These services are designed to meet people where they are, helping them access health and social resources.



What can you do?

  1. Pay attention to how you talk about substance use.

Stigmatizing language hurts people and gets in the way of solutions. Shifting the language we use around drug use is an important step to changing our perceptions. Eliminating negative and judgemental language and replacing with neutral, compassionate, “people-first” language will have a positive impact on PWUD.

  1. Learn more about the topic

Learn more about substance use, stigma and harm reduction. The following are links to some web sites and resources to explore.

Issues and Ideas

Online Learning

Programs and Services


  1. Speak out and support people who use drugs.



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