UV Index
To find the current UV index for the Thunder Bay District, please visit Environment Canada's page: Thunder Bay's Current Weather Conditions
UV Index | Description |
Low (1-2) |
Medium (3-5) |
High (6-7) |
Very high (8-10) |
Extreme (11+) |
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Canada. Burns and skin damage can happen fast and stay with you for life. The higher the ultraviolet (UV) index number, the stronger the sun’s rays. Sun reflects off sand, snow and pavement and can double UV strength. Outdoor workers are more exposed to sun than indoor workers. Workers operating a vehicle or heavy equipment are also exposed to harmful UV Rays which can come through glass and should take the same precautions as outdoor workers.
Vitamin D and Sun Exposure
In 2016, the National Steering Committee for Consensus on Content for Sun Safety Messages (28 participant organizations) released the following information related to Vitamin D and Sun Exposure:
“Intentional Ultraviolet radiation exposure to meet vitamin D requirements is not recommended.”
“Use sources of vitamin D from dietary sources including fortified foods and vitamin D supplements”
General Tips
Below are some general tips to protect you:
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Seek shade under a tree or create your own
- Take the shadow test:
- Small shadow = more UV = more protection needed
- Large shadow = less UV = less protection needed
Refer to the UV Index above for more tips.
Check out our UV Index campaign resources:

For Further Information
Call the Family Health program: (807) 625-5900
or Toll-free 1-888-294-6630