Workplace Health

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March is Nutrition Month and this year's theme is "Nourish to Flourish"! Discover the variety of ways that your workplace can celebrate the power of food to bring people and communities together, to connect people to their culture and home, and to bring joy and comfort. Visit the Nutrition Month page and click on the "Ideas for Workplaces" tab. 

Are you protecting your most important business asset?

No matter how big or small, any company’s biggest asset is its employees.

Top 5 reasons to invest in employee wellness (PDF): 

  1. More productive and engaged employees
  2. Improved workplace culture and staff morale
  3. Reduced absenteeism
  4. Less turnover and better ability to attract new talent
  5. Good return-on-investment - wellness programs don’t have to be expensive to show reduced health and benefits costs

Healthy workers are good for business! Organizations that support employee health create positive work environments. As a result, employees tend to be more engaged, satisfied with their jobs and devoted to company success.


What is a healthy workplace?

A healthy workplace (PDF) is one where employers, employees, and other partners combine efforts to enhance the wellbeing of people at work. Every organization can build a wellness program to suit its unique needs. Successful programs make sure that:

  • the workplace is free of hazards to physical safety
  • employee mental health is promoted and protected
  • healthy lifestyle behaviours are encouraged
  • the business is involved in supporting a healthy community


What’s involved in having a workplace wellness program?

To ensure that the workplace wellness program meets everyone's needs and is sustainable over time, it must be developed using a thoughtful step-by-step approach (PDF). The tabs below outline the steps and offer helpful resources. The TBDHU Workplace Wellness Program Toolkit (PDF) provides the information all in one convenient downloadable file.  To request a hard copy of this toolkit, download and complete the Workplace Wellness Resource Request Form (Word file), then email it to


How can TBDHU help?

TBDHU is here to help you build a healthy workplace at every step. We offer:

  • Guidance on building and implementing a workplace wellness program. We offer support to do a workplace wellness assessment. Ask us about our Workplace Wellness Scorecard and how we can help you conduct an Employee Interest Survey.
  • Membership on the wellness@work network where workplace health promotion champions receive e-mail updates, invitations to education events, and information about other activities and resources.
  • Health promotion displays and resources. To request resources for your workplace, download and complete the Workplace Wellness Resource Request Form (Word file), then email it to

Contact our team of workplace wellness experts today. All services are free!

Your workplace wellness is our business.


Contact Us

Call Wellness@Work at (807) 625-5900 or toll-free: 1-888-294-6630 or email

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