Thunder Bay's current temperature and UV Index:
Don’t let a sunburn ruin your vacation!
Sunburns can happen in minutes during a trip to sunny destinations where the UV index is Extreme (11+). More information can be found by reading below.
Unlike Canada, many tropical destinations can have a UV Index reading of 11+ (Extreme):
- The sun’s rays are much stronger in the tropics and skin damage can happen fast
- Sunlight reflects off of sand, water, snow, ice and pavement and can double the strength of UV rays
- Clouds still permit between 50% to 80% of UV rays to reach your skin
How to Protect Yourself
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Take frequent breaks from the sun
- Reapply sunscreen often
- Plan excursions for early or later in the day
Remember: Pre-tanning or getting a base tan does not protect you from sunburns or toughen up your skin.
Vitamin D and Sun Exposure
In 2016, the National Steering Committee for Consensus on Content for Sun Safety Messages (28 participant organizations) released the following information related to Vitamin D and Sun Exposure:
“Intentional Ultraviolet radiation exposure to meet vitamin D requirements is not recommended.”
“Use sources of vitamin D from dietary sources including fortified foods and vitamin D supplements”
Check out our Extreme UV Index campaign resources:
For Further Information
Call the Family Health program: (807) 625-5900
or Toll-free 1-888-294-6630