COVID-19 Outbreak Declared at Gorham & Ware Community School

Outbreak Declared

December 17, 2021 - The Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) and Lakehead Public Schools confirm that an outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared at Gorham & Ware Community School in Thunder Bay. 

At this time, five individuals associated with the school have tested positive for COVID-19.  The public health investigation has shown that at least one of these individuals likely acquired the virus in the school setting.  Other individuals who may have been exposed (high-risk contacts) will be contacted by public health. Impacted classes and cohorts have been dismissed.  

Public health, the school and school board continue to work together to investigate and manage this situation.  Additional measures will be taken as needed. The school remains open at this time.

For additional information about COVID-19 and the TBDHU area, please see the TBDHU Website




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