Gastrointestinal Outbreak Update: Southbridge Roseview

outbreak update

November 8, 2021 - The outbreak of gastrointestinal illness at Southbridge Roseview, located at 99 Shuniah Street, Thunder Bay is now facility-wide. All restrictions are now in effect for the entire facility.

Admissions, transfers, discharges and social activities have been cancelled for the entire facility until further notice. Visitors are restricted to family members and caregivers only, so please call the facility for more information.

The Health Unit is urging people to stay at home and refrain from visiting hospitals, long-term care facilities and retirement homes when feeling unwell to avoid spreading infections to those most vulnerable: young infants and children, the elderly and those with other chronic illnesses.

The Health Unit reminds the public to prevent getting and spreading infections by:

  • Washing hands often, for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water, or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Staying at home if sick to avoid spreading infections to others.


For more information: Health Unit Media

News Type
Health Topics
Diseases & Infections