Rapid antigen tests are no longer available at Provincial Public Health locations
Rapid tests are now only available to a specific group of people.
If you develop symptoms and you are eligible for a publicly-funded test, we recommend you contact your primary care provider or pharmacist to find out about test availability.
You are eligible for publicly-funded COVID-19 testing if you have COVID 19 symptoms AND belong to any of the following groups:
- people aged 65 years of age and older
- people aged 18 years of age and older who have at least one condition that puts them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease
- people who are immunocompromised
- residents and patients in certain high-risk settings including hospitals and congregate living settings with medically and socially vulnerable individuals (for example, in long-term care and other specific populations and settings)
- people in the context of suspected or confirmed outbreaks, as directed by the local public health unit
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