TBDHU announces the opening of the COVID-19 Immunization Clinic

Line of COVID-19 Vaccination vials

March 1, 2021 - The Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) is pleased to announce that delivery and administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to older adults will start March 3, 2021, in Thunder Bay. The Ontario’s vaccination plan includes adults 80 years of age and older as one of the priority groups in the First Phase. TBDHU will begin this week with vaccinating those aged 85 and older, and will move to include those 80-84 years of age in the coming weeks.

“This is the next step in bringing the pandemic under control. I am pleased to see that vaccine supply now allows us to protect even more individuals from this virus.” says Dr. Janet DeMille, Medical Officer of Health. “Age is a significant factor for increased risk of complications for COVID-19 and protecting the senior population is critical.”

Appointments are required for immunization. Please DO NOT present at the clinic site, as walk-ins will not be seen.

Any individual in Thunder Bay born on or before January 1, 1936 is encouraged to visit the TBDHU website at TBDHU.com/covidclinics to book an appointment for vaccine. Individuals can also call (807) 625-5900 to book an appointment, however due to the high demand expected TBDHU is encouraging people to use the online tool. As previously announced, the TBDHU Immunization clinic is located at 425 Northern Avenue in the CLE Coliseum.

TBDHU will continue to open appointment booking times to other older adults in the upcoming weeks. Please continue to watch the TBDHU website for additional information. 

Separate planning is also underway to deliver vaccine to this priority age group in the District. The planning efforts needed to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to our communities is extensive and has benefited from a significant amount of collaboration from various sectors, such as health care, municipal, and Indigenous partners, to ensure readiness. TBDHU continues to work diligently with these partners across our service area.

Visit TBDHU.com for more information or contact TBDHU at (807) 625-5900 or toll-free: 1-888-294-6630.


For more information - Health Unit Media: news@tbdhu.com.

News Type
News Releases
Health Topics
Diseases & Infections