Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program

The Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program (HBHC) is a free and voluntary program that supports pregnant individuals and families with children 0-6 years of age. The HBHC Program can help you:

  • Have a healthy pregnancy.
  • Build a positive relationship with your child.
  • Promote your child's healthy growth and development.

If you choose to participate in the program, a public health nurse (PHN) and family home visitor (FHV) will visit you in your home or other location. They can answer your questions and give information and support about many different topics like healthy child growth and development, positive parenting, safety, healthy attachment and maternal health.

To see if you are eligible, please call (807) 625-8814.

For more information about the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program, please visit the The Ministry of Children, Community Social Services.

Access the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program

1. You can refer yourself by calling (807) 625-8814 or 1 (888) 294-6630.

2. Physicians, Social Workers, Midwives, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners or other health professionals can refer you to the program with your consent.

Have your provider download this Referral Form (PDF) and fax the completed form to (807) 628-8664.


pregnancy baby's first days 

1 to 4 months 4 to 12 months 

12 to 24 months breast and chest feeding


What Services does HBHC Program Provide?

When you are Pregnant

A public health nurse will contact you by phone and talk about how the HBHC program can support you.

The public health nurse who is supported by family home visitor may:

  • Answer any questions you have.
  • Give you some information about healthy eating for you and your baby.
  • Can help you prepare for your baby and provide information on infant care
  • Talk about what to expect during pregnancy and how to care for yourself.
  • Help you find services in your community.
  • Suggest some prenatal education resources and classes.
  • Give you information about childbirth and your baby's arrival.
  • Provide you information about lactation and breastfeeding/chestfeeding.


After Your Baby is Born

If you consent, the HBHC Screening Tool will be completed by a nurse, midwife, social worker or physician after the birth of your baby and will be sent confidentially to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program.

Adoptive parents may contact the HBHC Program directly at (807) 625-8814 to arrange for screening.

(For parents who live outside the Thunder Bay District your HBHC screen will be forwarded to the Health Unit or Health Authority responsible for delivering the HBHC program in your community).

The Public Health Nurse from the HBHC Program will contact you

You will get a phone call from a public health nurse about 48 hours after you and your baby leaves the hospital. If your baby was born at home, you will receive a phone call within about 48 hours after we receive the HBHC screening tool or referral from your midwife or health care provider.

The public health nurse will:

  • Answer any questions you have about the health of you and your child/children.
  • Ask you some questions about the health of you and your baby.
  • Connect you with breastfeeding/chestfeeding supports in your community if needed.
  • Talk about mood changes after birth.
  • Ask if you are experiencing post-partum blues.
  • Ask if you have support at home.
  • Answer questions you have about parenting your newborn.
  • Ask if you would like a home visit.
  • Connect you to local community services that may give you more support in your parenting role.

Home Visit

If you would like a home visit, the PHN will arrange a time that is agreeable for you. During the home visit the PHN will:

  • Ask you some questions about the health of you and your baby.
  • Answer any questions you have about child health and parenting.
  • Talk with you about how you are experiencing parenting a newborn now that you are home.
  • Offer support with breastfeeding/chestfeeding and help you find additional supports if needed. (Visit our Calendar for upcoming Lactation clinics).
  • Talk with you about the on-going HBHC Home Visiting Program if appropriate, and how it may help your family.
  • Connect you to other health care or other community services if needed.


As Your Child Grows

There is a lot to learn as your child grows and develops. The HBHC program can support your family until your child is 6 years old.

The public health nurse will:

  • Do early childhood screening to see how your child is growing and how you are managing parenting.
  • If appropriate, talk with you about the on-going HBHC Home Visiting Program and how it may help your family.
  • Connect you to other health care professionals or other community services if needed.


HBHC Home Visiting Program

If ongoing home visiting is appropriate for you and your family a Public Health Nurse and Family Home Visitor will work with you in setting some goals that meet your needs.

  • Families often choose goals that will help them know more about healthy children development, positive parenting, healthy attachment and providing a safe, secure home for their children.
  • Family Home Visitors can show you ways to help your baby learn new skills as they grow.
  • Other families may choose goals like healthy eating for their family which may include helping parents develop basic food skills like cooking and healthy eating.
  • After about 6 months many parents have a lot of questions about introducing solid foods. The PHN and FHV can give you good information and resources like these:


Who is a Family Home Visitor (FHV)?

A family home visitor works with the public health nurse to participate in activities that support:

  • Healthy attachment with your child.
  • Understanding the stages of your child's growth and development.
  • Showing you healthy ways to play and interact with your children.
  • Guiding and teaching your child.
  • Building confidence in your parenting skills.
  • Developing skills in budgeting, meal planning.
  • Finding childcare within your community.


For Further Information

Call the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program: (807) 625-8814

Or toll-free 1-888-294-6630

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