Pregnancy Testing and Options

We recognize that pregnancy means different things to different people and there may be many reasons for continuing a pregnancy or not.

The Sexual Health Clinic at the Thunder Bay District Health Unit provides support, counselling and pregnancy testing services to help you understand all options and to help you make the choices that are right for you. The staff at TBDHU are respectful, non-judgemental, pro-choice and provides confidential services.


What We Do

Pregnancy Testing

To schedule a pregnancy test, please contact the Sexual Health Clinic. Please note that pregnancy tests are most accurate at least a few days past an expected menstrual period. Sometimes more time is needed – consider taking the test again if you have not had your period two weeks after a negative test.

Home pregnancy tests are also available at most pharmacies.

Discussing  Your Options (Counselling)

Should your pregnancy test come back positive, you will have to consider which of the three options is right for you:

  • Choose to continue the pregnancy
  • Choose to continue the pregnancy and proceed with adoption
  • Choose to end the pregnancy, legally and safely

Staff at the TBDHU Sexual Health Clinic can help. We will discuss your options with you and answer any questions you may have. We do not tell you what is best for you – only you can decide which choice is right for you. We will support your choice and help you connect with the right community services as needed.

We are also available to you if you already know you’re pregnant and would like discuss your options – you do not need to have taken your pregnancy test here. Please contact the Sexual Health Clinic.

You may also choose to talk with your family doctor or a member of your family.


For Further Information

Call the Sexual Health Clinic: (807) 625-5976

or toll-free: 1-888-294-6630

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