Substance Use Reports, Research and Statistics

TBDHU reports on local data related to substance use to inform its programming and response efforts and those of community partners. The following are publicly available on our website:

Opioid Information System

  • This dashboard includes opioid-related information and alerts for Thunder Bay District. It includes paramedic data from Superior North EMS and data on opioid-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. The dashboard is updated monthly or as often as new information is available. 

2025 Report on STBBI and Drug Use

  • Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBI) and Risk Behaviours Among People Who Inject Drugs in Thunder Bay: Findings from the Tracks Survey of People Who Inject Drugs: Thunder Bay Site, Phase 5, 2024.
  • 201 people in Thunder Bay participated in a study called the Tracks Survey of People Who Inject Drugs, Phase 5. The purpose of Tracks is to better understand the health issues affecting PWID, including infections like syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis C (HCV) and associated risk behaviours. The full report of findings, executive summary, and infographic can be found at the above link. 

Opioid Use and Impacts Report, 2023

  • Opioid Use and Impacts in Thunder Bay District: Situational Assessment, 2023, provides an update to previously reported data regarding the scope of opioid use, the burden of opioid-related harms, and available opioid-related services in Thunder Bay District. It also includes some new sources of information related to these areas. 
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