I Practiced Harm Reduction and Didn’t Even Know It

By Rick Thompson on
February 12, 2018

When we think 'harm reduction' we think illicit drugs. How can we not? Every news story, blog post, podcast or pamphlet that mentions harm reduction links it to illicit drugs. But what if I told you harm reduction is actually much more? That in fact harm reduction is a tool for critical thinking. That it is a way of looking at virtually any problem with a goal of coming up with a solution that produces the best achievable outcome with the least possible harm. Let me give you an example:

My Baby is Starting School and you Want me to do What?!

If you have a young one starting school in 2018 you may be thinking, “How did my baby grow up so fast? Feels like yesterday I was just changing diapers, waking up 5 times a night, making baby food, watching those first steps - followed by those first words, and now they’re almost school age!” And you may also be starting to think about JK registration which begins in February.

Cooking Together Over the Holidays – Making New Traditions

By Kelsey Stojkovic on
December 20, 2017

For many people, the holidays are a time of traditions, with a lot of them around food. Baking holiday treats, serving family favourites and gathering for special meals. This year, I want to challenge us to think about food in a different way during the holidays. What if we were to include the entire family, or a group of friends, and learn new cooking skills together?

Who Would Take Away Hotdogs From Canteens!?

I like hotdogs – they're tasty.

Poutine? Even better.

Hotdogs and poutine together? Stop. The. Train.

So why on earth would I be part of promoting a canteen menu that takes away two of the classic canteen menu items at the Delaney Arena[1]? This sounds like treachery. Unfair and un-Canadian even. Why would I support this?

Because I want kids in our communities to have real choices.

Reflections on My First Year as a Street Nurse

By Shelley Aretz on
November 2, 2017

I'm a public health nurse with the Health Unit's sexual health program. One of my roles is street nursing. Street nurses travel around in a refurbished ambulance visiting different areas of the city to offer sexual health and harm reduction services. We do things like STI testing, (immunizations?), and hand out harm reduction supplies like condoms, pipes, and needles to anyone who comes to see us. I absolutely love this part of my job.

Blue-Green Algae Identified at Trout Lake

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has confirmed the presence of blue-green algae (BGA) in a water sample collected on June 24, 2024, at Trout Lake in Gorham Township, which is located about 30km northwest of Thunder Bay.

It is important to remember that water should be avoided whenever a BGA bloom is present, and for about 2 weeks after it has dissipated.

When BGA is present in water, it is important to avoid: