The Best Vaccine

It just doesn’t get any easier, does it? Here we are over a year into the pandemic and instead of celebrating what we hoped would be the “home stretch," we’re bracing ourselves for the 3rd wave. And the vaccines that once felt like the solution to everything have also become a new source of stress for many: When will I get mine? Which one will I get? And perhaps the one we hear most often… Which one is the best??

TBDHU Sees Rising Cases with Variants of Concern

April 28, 2021 - The Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) is advising the public on the variants of concern (VOC) of COVID-19 that have been increasing in recent weeks in the Thunder Bay District. TBDHU is currently reporting a total of 25 cases that were VOCs, with 21 identified in the last two weeks. Positive samples from people who have COVID-19 are screened for mutations associated with VOCs.