Nutrition Month 2025

Nourish to Flourish!

March is Nutrition Month and the theme for 2025 is Nourish to Flourish. What this means will be slightly different for everyone, but is all about the broad role food plays in our lives, going beyond simply meeting our physical needs. It’s about exploring the social, cultural and emotional side of food.

Food has a powerful way of bringing people and communities together, of making people feel connected to their culture and home, and of bringing joy and comfort.

There are so many ways to integrate the varied roles that food has in our lives. Some ideas are listed below to help you get started. This March and beyond, get creative about how food can not only nourish, but allow us to flourish as well!


Further Information

Nourish to Flourish Ideas Checklist

Mealtime Conversation Starters

Canada’s Food Guide Recipes

For more information about Nutrition Month 2025, contact Megan by email or phone at 807-625-8813.

For information about nutrition programs at TBDHU, please call 807-625-5900 or toll-free 1-888-294-6630.

If you are looking for nutrition counselling or have a question about food or eating, visit the Health Connect Ontario website or call 811.

Last Updated: