
Bed bugs are insects with oval-shaped bodies and no wings. Unlike most public health pests, bed bugs are not known to transmit or spread disease. However, they are certainly a pest - feeding on blood, causing itchy bites and generally irritating their human hosts and they can cause other…

Follow Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and our YouTube Channel. We ask that you please abide by the Terms of Use for the company hosting the social media site.

TBDHU's social media accounts are managed by the Communications Team. If you…

Each year, the Thunder Bay District Health Unit produces an annual performance and financial report as a requirement of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Public Health Organizational Standards. The report outlines the Health Unit’s vision and mission, provides an overview of our finances…

What We Do

Outreach, Needle Exchange and Related Services

Needle/syringe exchange
Other harm reduction services including condoms and sterile water
FREE nasal spray naloxone kits and overdose awareness training. Learn more: Preventing Opioid Overdose with Naloxone


Participant enrollment for the Folic Acid Pilot Project is now closed. 

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit wishes to thank everyone who has enrolled in the Folic Acid Pilot Project. 

Follow-up surveys will continue to be sent to participants at 3, 6 and 9…

Rodents and insects can be a big problem for both homeowners and business owners. The Thunder Bay District Health Unit provides information about prevention and control, and public health inspectors inspect businesses in the District – particularly restaurants and food vendors – for signs of pests…

Beach Notifications

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit will notify the public of any issues concerning beaches tested by the Health Unit. 

Beach advisories will be issued in beaches outside of Thunder Bay (with the exception of private beaches and provincial parks) when recreational water…

Planning a family? Or perhaps you've made a decision not to have a baby right now?

Either way, it’s important for women and men of reproductive age to be healthy for their unborn children. Whether you are planning it or not, pregnancies do happen. In fact, a Lakehead University study found…

Have you recently had a baby or has someone close to you had a baby in the last year? Did you know that 1 in 5 women experience mood changes after baby? Postpartum mood difficulties (PPMD) or often called postpartum depression (PPD) not only affects women but has the potential to affect her…

Having a baby can be tiring physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's important to make the time to rest and relax as your health is important to the whole family. Here are a few other things you can keep in mind:

Weight loss. Do not try to lose pregnancy weight immediately. Weight loss…

Our Mission

The Thunder Bay Prenatal Coalition strives to cultivate a culture and environment that is respectful of pregnant women and expectant families through advocacy, promotion and collaboration of services to improve outcomes for families, and information sharing in our…

This is a third level page.  The left hand block will now appear under professionals. 

In this section, you can access useful information relevant to organizations, businesses and employers such as COVID-19 information and resources, safe food handling certification, beauty and body art safety, pool and spa operator information, workplace health and more.



The environment affects our children more than it does adults for various reasons (read on below). The Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s role is to inform the public about these risks and provide information on how to reduce them. We want to help you ensure your children – and all children living…