
Released in August 2017, this report includes perspectives or challenges and potential solutions to getting a safe ride home on a night out and typical alcohol consumption, as well as promising interventions to improve late night transportation. The following documents are included here for…

The purpose of this community engagement exercise was to hear from both service providers and community members about their experience with violence as well as to solicit ideas that could be used to inform prevention strategies. It was identified that service providers, as well as community members…

Walkability and Pedestrian Safety in Thunder Bay

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit, in partnership with Lakehead University and City of Thunder Bay, has prepared a comprehensive research report on Walkability and Pedestrian Safety in Thunder Bay. The report highlights the importance of…

Caution - This sign can be used to communicate to visitors when a facility is monitoring signs and symptoms of illness.

Declared - This sign can be used to communicate to visitors when an outbreak is declared.


Updated: November 24, 2021