Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records

NEW PHOTO OPTION FOR REPORTING IMMUNIZATIONS: Photos of immunization (vaccine) records can now be reported to TBDHU by uploading to a safe and secure TBDHU website. See below under "Reporting an Immunization Record" for more information.


  • An immunization record keeps track of all vaccines received and my be required for school, work, medical treatment, or travel. 
  • Keep this record ("yellow card") up to date and safe.
  • A digital alternative is also available; see below under both the reporting and obtaining tabs for more information on this digital alternative called Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON).

Reporting Immunizations

  • In Ontario, health care providers do no automatically report immunizations to their local public health unit.
  • However, if a vaccine is given by the local public health unit, these immunizations are attached to the person's record on file with the local public health unit.
  • See the "Reporting an Immunization Record" tab below for all the options available.


  • Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to the local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student. 
  • Public health units in Ontario are required to keep up-to-date immunization records for every student in relation to nine designated diseases as outlined in the Immunization of School Pupils Act.
  • Public health units will review immunization records of all elementary and secondary students annually to ensure they are up-to-date. Reporting immunizations to the health unit allows for timely review and action if there is a report of a vaccine preventable disease in a school.


  • Adults have the choice of whether or not to submit records of vaccines given by community health care providers.



For Further Information

Call the Vaccine Preventable Disease Program at (807) 625-5900

or toll-free 1-888-294-6630

Last Updated: