Outbreak Management Resources for LTC, Retirement Homes & Public Hospitals

This page was updated on March 20, 2025 to reflect updated resource documents from TBDHU and the Ministry of Health and they are indicated below in each section as applicable.

The Ministry of Health Guidance has been updated: 


The resources listed below are the most up to date available and are provided to use in the management of outbreaks in long-term care facilities, retirement homes and public hospitals. If a resource is updated in the future, it will be noted for the reference of all facilities.

Please direct any questions to the public health nurse responsible for your facility or call (807) 625-5900 ext. 8318 or toll-free 1-888-294-6630.



For Further Information

Call the Infectious Disease or Environmental Health Programs: (807) 625-5900 or toll-free 1-888-294-6630


Last Updated: