IPAC Champion Training Modules
There are 5 recorded presentations that have been designed for our CLS IPAC Champions. They are meant to be completed in the order presented for individuals new to IPAC but they can also be used as needed to refresh knowledge on a specific IPAC topic. Each module is thirty minutes to one hour in length and can be paused/started/stopped at any time, in order to work at your own pace. Any documents or resources referred to in the modules have QR codes but can also be found on this page below under “Resources”.
Module 1: What are IPAC Champions?
What is an IPAC Champion, and what are their roles and responsibilities? Join us in our first module to understand what an IPAC champion is, why the role is important within your congregate setting, and how you can succeed as an IPAC Champion.
Module 2: Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene education is key to reduce transmission of infectious agents. Topics that will be reviewed include hand hygiene concepts, what a hand hygiene program is and how you can create or adapt one within your facility, and how to audit/observe moments of hand hygiene.
Module 3: Personal Risk Assessments
It is key to understand the modes of transmission for infectious agents and how this relates to routine and additional precautions within our congregate settings. We will review the modes of transmission and how this supports our choices for personal protective equipment (PPE). We will review some the decision tools available to support congregate staff in performing risk assessments.
Module 4: Implementing PPE
Observing fellow staff putting on and taking off their PPE and being able to provide education and corrective action can be one of the many roles of an IPAC Champion. Through this module we will provide you with steps to gain confidence to perform these audits and review the ready-to-use tools available to make it easy and efficient for you.
Module 5: Environmental Cleaning and Disinfecting
This module will help you differentiate between cleaning and disinfecting and the products used. Upon completion of this module you will feel confident in disinfection properties, chemical application and cleaning requirements to keep everyone safe within our congregate settings.
- Public Health Ontario - Additional Precaution Signage (HTML)
- Public Health Ontario - Auditing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Best Practice - Routine Practices and Additional Precautions (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - How to Personal Protective Equipment (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - How to Take Off Personal Protective Equipment (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Implementing Personal Protective Equipment Audits in Health Care Settings (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - PCRA Risk Assessment Appendix B (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Supporting the Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Audit Form (PDF)
HH & IPAC Activity Resources
- APIC Infection Prevention and You Resources (HTML)
- CDC Clean Hands Save Lives (HTML)
- Escape Room for Client Safety Week (PDF)
- IPAC Canada Hand Hygiene (HTML)
- Public Health Ontario - Best Practice Hand Hygiene (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Hand Hygiene 4 Moment Feedback Tool (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Hand Hygiene Observation Tool (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Just Clean your Hands (HTML)
- Public Health Ontario - Rise to the Occasion - IPAC activities (PDF)
- PICNet's Infection Control Week ToolKit (HTML)
- World Health Organization Implementation Tools (HTML)
Environmental Cleaning & Disinfection Resources
- Chlorine Dilution Calculator (HTML)
- IPAC Canada Audit Tool - Routine Cleaning of Patient Rooms (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - FAQ Sheet Electrostatic Spray Disinfection Systems (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - Key Elements of Environmental Cleaning in Healthcare Settings (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario - PIDAC_ BestPHO Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections (PDF)