Are You In?
You're invited to join the Healthy Living Movement! In Thunder Bay and District, more and more people are having fun being active and finding delicious ways to eat healthier. Small changes go a long way for better health. Do what works for you! Are you in?
Welcome to the Me-vember challenge! We are often so busy with life that we don’t make time for ourselves. Let’s change that! TBDHU is challenging you to try some self-care activities throughout the month of November. Do a few or all of them in any order at your own pace, whatever works for you!
- Digital Detox: Unplug from social media and screens for at least one hour.
- Kick the Caffeine: Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening as it could affect your sleep.
- Nature Hike: Explore and enjoy what nature has to offer. Focus on what you see, hear or smell!
- Try a New Recipe: Excite the taste buds! Make a new recipe using a vegetable, fruit, whole grain or legume
- Mindful Breathing: Pause and breathe. Breathe in and hold for 3 seconds. Exhale slowly and pause for 3 seconds before your next breath.
- Sleep Plan: Set aside enough time to get the 7-9 hours of sleep adults need each night.
- Declutter: Spend 15 minutes tidying a drawer or shelf.
- Travel Distance: Find a parking spot farther away than where you usually park and walk a little extra!
- Choose Water: Choose water as your go-to drink for the day.
- Sleep comfortably: Create a sleep friendly space that is dark, quiet, and free of screens.
- Eat together: Enjoy a meal with someone you don’t see often.
- Go for a Stroll: Go for a walk to unwind or invite a friend and catch up!
View the Me-vember Instructions and Activity sheet [PDF]
Keep track of your progress by checking the activities you complete on the tracking form found at the link below:
Win prizes!! You can track your activities all at once at the end of the challenge or one at a time, whatever works best for you. Every activity you complete earns you a ballot to win a gift card to a business that supports your physical or mental wellbeing! There are 4 x $25 gift cards and a grand prize of a $100 gift card to be won. We hope you enjoy the challenge and keep up with activities that support your overall wellness.
Healthy Living to Avoid Respiratory Virus
Whether it's respiratory virus season or any time of year, it is important to take care of your health to avoid getting sick. Luckily, there are many ways to keep your immune system strong! Here are our top five suggestions:
- Engage in regular physical activity. This not only lowers the risk of chronic diseases, it also lowers the risk of respiratory illnesses.
- Strengthen your immune system by eating a variety of nutritious foods. Follow the recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide and consume more vegetables and fruits.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
- Establish a regular sleep routine. Sufficient, good-quality sleep is key to keeping your immune system strong, and has proven mental health benefits.
- Finally, stay healthy by staying up-to-date with the seasonal flu shot and all doses of COVID-19 vaccines. To learn more about the flu and COVID-19 vaccines, including what vaccines are available, when you should get them and where and how to get vaccinated, visit TBDHU's Immunization page.
There are additional important ways to reduce the risk of illness. Visit TBDHU's Layers of Protection page to learn more.
Click on the topics below for tips and resources to help you stay healthy!