Consent packageshave been mailed to students attendinghigh school in the City of Thunder who have been assessed as missing vaccines or vaccine record information.
NOTE: Those attending high school in district communities will receive consent letters when the clinics are scheduled.
A new secure online consent form is available to make it easier to provide consent.
See the Vaccines for High School Students section below for more information and a school clinic schedule.
Grade 7 Students
Consent packages have been sent home through the child's school. A new secure online consent form is available to make it easier to provide consent.
See the Vaccines for Students in Grades 7 and 8 section below for more details on the vaccines offered, the consent process, how students in Grade 8 who are missing vaccines can access them at school and a school clinic schedule.
School-based clinic schedules are also available below.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
Learn more about the options available for submitting records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
Public health units in Ontario are required to keep up-to-date immunization records for every student in relation to nine designated diseases as outlined in the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA).
Public health units will review immunization records of all elementary and secondary students annually to ensure they are up-to-date.
Reporting immunizations to TBDHU also allows for timely review and action if there is a report of a vaccine preventable disease (e.g. measles) in a school.
Immunization of School Pupils Act
More information about the ISPA process for the 2024/2025 school year will be available in early fall of 2024.
The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires that all students have proof of vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), polio, measles, mumps and rubella (German measles), meningitis, pertussis (whooping cough), and chickenpox (required for children born in 2010 or later). Vaccines that protect against these infections are free in Ontario through Ontario’s Routine Immunization Schedule.
More information about the ISPA process for the 2024/2025 school year will be available in early fall of 2024.
More information about the ISPA process for the 2024/2025 school year will be available in early fall of 2024.
Vaccines for Students in Grades 7 and 8
TBDHU hosts school-based vaccine clinics for children in Grade 7 each school year. Students in Grade 8 who are missing Grade 7 vaccines will be given the opportunity to receive missed doses and more information is listed below on how to catch up.
These clinics are the easiest way to keep your child up to date on their vaccines.
See the tabs below for more information on the recommended vaccines as well as the consent process and a schedule of school clinics based on where the child attends school.
Human papillomavirus (HPV-9) vaccine (2 doses); eligible until August 31 of their Grade 12 year; those who start the series at age 15 and older require 3 doses to complete.
Hepatitis B vaccine (2 doses needed); students are eligible until August 31 of their Grade 12 year; those who start the series at 16 and older require 3 doses to complete.
*Meningococcal conjugate (Men-C-ACYW) is required for school attendance in Ontario or a valid exemption must on file with TBDHU. For more information, see the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) section at the top of this webpage.
Consent Process
Grade 7 students will receive a consent form package at their school during the first week of school to take home. See the section below for more details on the contents of the package.
Missed the return date? Parents/guardians can still complete the consent online up to two (2) days before the clinic OR give verbal consent over the phone by calling (807) 625-5908 until the morning of the clinic. See below for the School Clinic Schedule tab.
Students in Grade 8 who are missing Grade 7 vaccines can receive them at school. See more information in the Students in Grade 8 in September 2024 who are missing doses tab below. This includes information for parents who gave consent in Grade 7 as well as those who want to give consent now.
Consent Form Package
If you can’t find your child’s consent form package, it can be downloaded:
Students who miss the school visit will receive information in the mail about how to catch up. Additional information is available in the section below Where to get a missing dose of vaccine.
Students in Grade 8 in September 2024 who are missing doses
Students in Grade 8 who submitted a consent form while in Grade 7 but did not receive the vaccines can receive them in Grade 8 at the TBDHU school-based clinic during the 2024/2025 school year.
Students in Grade 8 who did not submit a consent form while in Grade 7 are also able to receive these vaccines. We encourage parents to call us at (807) 625-5908 to speak to an immunization nurse OR complete the online consent form. Please see the school clinic calendar tab below for the details on the dates and times of these school visits.
The easiest way to get your child caught up on missing doses is to ensure they get their missing doses at a school clinic. It is recommended that they receive the missed doses as soon as possible and other options are available under the Where to get a missing dose of vaccinesection near the bottom of this webpage.
TBDHU visits all schools with Grade 7 students.
Students in Grade 8 can receive missing doses at these clinic; see the section above for more information on the consent process for students in Grade 8 needing to catch up.
Second dose clinics will be held approximately 6 months following the first dose clinic.
*The dates below are subject change - please check back before the scheduled dates for your child's clinic to confirm.*
First Clinic Date(s)
Second Clinic Date(s)
Algonquin Public School
November 20, 2024 (new date)
June 12, 2025 (new date)
Armstrong Public School
October 8, 2024
Bishop Gallagher
November 21 & 22, 2024
May 22 & 23, 2025
Bishop EQ Jennings
December 5 & 6
June 9 & 10, 2025
CD Howe Public School
October 29, 2024
May 5, 2025
Claude E Garton Public School
October 10, 2024
May 8, 2025
Crestview Public School
October 15, 2024
May 1, 2025
École élémentaire catholique La Vérendrye
November 1, 2024
May 15, 2025
École Elsie MacGill
November 28 & 29, 2024
May 29 & 30, 2025
École Gron Morgan
December 2, 2024
June 2, 2025
École Publique des Vents du Nord
October 3, 2024
April 28, 2025
Five Mile Public School
October 17, 2024
May 9, 2025
Gorham & Ware Public School
October 1, 2024
April 29, 2025
Kakabeka Falls Public School
October 3, 2024
April 29, 2025
Kingsway Park Public School
November 19, 2024
May 26, 2025
McKellar Park Public School
November 5, 2024
May 16, 2025
McKenzie Public School
October 10, 2024
May 8, 2025
Nor’Westerview Public School
November 14, 2024
May 20, 2025
Ogden Community Public School
November 5, 2024
May 16, 2025
Pope John Paul II
November 7 & 8, 2024
May 12 & 13, 2025
Seventh Fire
October 4, 2024
May 2, 2025
St. James Public School
October 17, 2024
May 9, 2025
Sherbrooke Public School
November 26, 2024
May 27, 2025
Thunder Bay Christian School
October 22, 2024
May 2, 2025
Upsala Public School
N/A for 2024/2025
N/A for 2024/2025
Valley Central Public School
October 8, 2024
May 6, 2025
Vance Chapman Public School
November 26, 2024
May 27, 2025
Westmount Public School
December 19, 2024 (new date)
June 19, 2025 (new date)
Whitefish Valley Public School
October 3, 2024
May 1, 2025
Woodcrest Public School
December 3, 2024
June 6, 2025
The TBDHU will be visiting all district community schools with Grade 7 students.
Consent packages were sent home with all students.
Online consent forms are available this year to make it easy and convenient. Paper consents can also be sent to the school before the date the of the clinic.
Parents/guardians can still complete the consent online up to two (2) days before the clinic OR give verbal consent over the phone by calling the nearest branch office until the morning of the clinic. See below for the School Clinic Schedule.
Second dose clinics will be held approximately 6 months following the first dose clinic.
Parental consent for vaccines offered in Grade 7 remain active for the duration of your child’s Grade 7 and 8 school years, so that missed vaccines in Grade 7 can be offered at school clinics when your child is in Grade 8.
TBDHU nurses will be providing the following three immunizations at elementary schools in the fall and then again in the spring, to all grade 7 students. The in-school clinic dates schedule can be found above.
Men-C-ACYW-135 (1 dose only, fall) * required for school attendance
Hepatitis B (2 doses, 6 months apart, fall and spring)
HPV-9 (Gardasil®9) (2 doses, 6 months apart, fall and spring)
Yes, one dose of each of the three vaccines will be offered at the first visit in the fall. MenC-ACYW-135 only requires one dose.
TBDHU nurses return to the school in the spring, to complete the second dose of both Hepatitis B and HPV-9.
MenC-ACYW-135 will be offered in the spring for those who missed it in the fall.
Yes. Your child’s immune system can easily handle many vaccines at once.
Receiving multiple vaccines is safe, convenient, and ensures the best protection for your child at the earliest age possible.
Yes. On September 28, 2021, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) updated its recommendations on the co-administration of COVID-19 vaccines with other vaccines.
Based on NACI’s review of the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, NACI recommends that non-COVID-19 vaccines may be given on the same day, or at any time before or after the COVID-19 vaccine. See the COVID-19 Vaccines: Canadian Immunization Guide for more information.
No, they are all separate vaccinations and each requires separate consent.
Both arms will be used so it is best to wear a shirt with easy access to the upper arm.
Common side effects are redness, tenderness, and swelling at the injection site on the arm.
Some children experience a headache, fever, and fatigue.
Please complete the consent form and indicate on the form the dates of the previous doses. A nurse will ensure the timing is correct prior to administering the next dose.
No. As per the Canadian Immunization Guide, a vaccine series does not need to be restarted regardless of the time between doses.
The nurse will simply complete the missing dose(s) at the school and your child will be up to date.
No, COVID-19 vaccines will not be offered at school clinics.
Please visit COVID-19 Vaccines for information about COVID-19 vaccine opportunities. Anyone age 6 months and older is eligible for COVID-19 vaccine.
Yes, if your child missed these vaccines in grade 7 they are eligible to catch up and receive the missing doses until the end of grade 12.
You can complete an online consent to have them receive these vaccines at their high school clinic.
If a private setting works better for your student, you may contact your primary care provider to book an appointment with them.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
Ask your health care provider to submit the records to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Meningococcal ACYW-135 is required for school attendance under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA).
Students who do not have complete immunization records can be suspended from school under ISPA.
Please ensure that the mandatory vaccines are up to date and reported to the health unit as soon as possible.
Although Hepatitis B and HPV-9 are not required for school attendance, they are strongly recommended.
Yes. Please complete the online consent form and indicate ‘NO’ in the vaccine consent boxes.
It is very helpful for the nurses on clinic day to have completed consent forms for all students.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
For any vaccines given by another provider, ask that the records be submitted to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
Contact your primary care provider to make an appointment.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
For any vaccines given by another provider, ask that the records be submitted to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Students can also wait until the spring school clinics when TBDHU makes a second visit to start their vaccine series.
If they completed a full series of Hepatitis B vaccine they do not need to repeat the Hepatitis B vaccine at school.
Please complete the online consent form and indicate ‘NO’ in the vaccine consent boxes.
If they have not received the full series, a nurse will reach out and advise if the vaccine is needed.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
For any vaccines given by another provider, ask that the records be submitted to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
Yes, the Men-C-C vaccine received at 12 months of age is not the same as the Men-C-ACYW-135 vaccine that is offered in Grade 7.
Men-C-ACYW is used to protect adolescents against 4 strains of meningitis (ACYW-135) whereas the Men-C-C vaccine received in infancy provides protection against the C strain only.
As per the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), only one valid dose of Men-C-ACYW-135 after age one is required for school attendance.
However, your child is still eligible for a publicly funded dose of Men-C-ACYW-135 in Grade 7.
Antibodies can wane overtime so receiving another dose is recommended, however optional.
For more information on a second dose please call 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) to speak with a vaccine nurse or contact your local branch office.
Vaccines required for school attendance under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) will need a valid religious or conscientious exemption form completed.
For instructions on religious or conscientious exemptions and to download a form, see the Exemptions tab at the bottom of this webpage.
Please submit the online onsent and indicate “NO” in the consent boxes and add a note to advise you are in the process of exemption.
For instructions on medical exemptions and to download a form to be completed by your primary care provider, see the Exemptions tab at the bottom of this webpage.
Please submit an online consent and indicate “NO” in the consent boxes and add a note to advise you are in the process of medical exemption.
Please contact your primary care provider to book an appointment with them first.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
For any vaccines given by another provider, ask that the records be submitted to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Parent attendance at school clinics is not ideal as students are called to the clinic by class, therefore the time of day that your child will be immunized is difficult to determine.
If you would prefer to attend the appointment with your child, you can book an appointment with your Primary Care Provider.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
For any vaccines given by another provider, ask that the records be submitted to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment for at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Vaccines for High School Students
Consent Packages and Online Consent Form
Families will receive a letter at home should their student be eligible to receive vaccines at an upcoming high school clinic; see below for a schedule.
The letter will include a link to the online consent form that is new for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please DO NOT complete the online consent form if it is within 48 hours of the school clinic.
Please call 807-625-5908 or the nearest branch office to speak to a nurse to provide verbal consent.
Consent Process
There is no minimum age of consent for medical treatment in Ontario in accordance with Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act (HCCA).
Parental consent is encouraged.
If a high school student attends a school clinic and requests a vaccination, TBDHU nurses will use their professional judgement, taking into account the circumstances and the client’s condition, to determine whether the student can understand and appreciate the information relevant to making an informed decision.
Informed consent counseling will include information on vaccine information, risks and benefits, side effects, understanding the risks if not vaccinated, understanding the ability to withdraw consent at any time, confirming how long the consent is valid for, and an opportunity to ask any questions and be provided with answers.
Paper Consent Form
If you prefer to use a paper consent form, download and return to the school by the date of the school clinic.
TBDHU visits high schools once per school year to offer the Tdap vaccine to eligible students. Other missing ISPA-required vaccines may be offered at the same time. To learn more about the Tdap and other recommended vaccines, see the Recommended Immunizations section below.
Consents packages will be mailed directly to the student’s home addresses with a link to the new online consent form.
*The dates below are subject change - please check back before the scheduled dates for your child's clinic to confirm.*
Clinic Date(s)
Dennis Franklin Cromarty
January 16, 2025
Hammarskjold High School
January 9 and 10, 2025
École secondaire catholique de La Vérendrye
November 1, 2024
Seventh Fire
November 1, 2024
St. Ignatius High School
December 16 and 17, 2024
St. Patrick High School
December 9 and 10, 2024
Superior CVI
January 6 and 7, 2025
Thunder Bay Christian School
October 22, 2024
Westgate CVI
December 12 and 13, 2024
School Clinic Calendar
The 2024/2025 dates will posted as soon as they are available.
Clinic Date
Nipigon-Red Rock District High
Lake Superior High
Geraldton Composite High School
École Secondaire Chateau Jeunesse
Manitouwadge High
Marathon High
École Secondaire Cité-Supérieure
Students Entering School in September 2024
TBDHU needs a copy of the immunization records of all students entering school in September 2024, including children who:
are starting junior kindegarten
moved to the Thunder Bay District from
a home community
another province
another country
were previously homeschooled or attended a private school
TBDHU staff need an accurate history of your child’s vaccines so they can determine whether your child has all the vaccines required under the Immunization of School Pupils Act.
Most health care providers do not forward immunization information to TBDHU.
If your child received a vaccine at a health care provider’s office, it is your responsibility as their parent/guardian to share this information with the TBDHU.
Completing the TBDHU School Entry Form, attaching a copy of all of your child’s vaccine records, and dropping off in person, mailing, or faxing it to your closest TBDHU office.
Learn more about the options available for submitting records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
Where to get a missing dose of vaccine
Students who miss a vaccine clinic at school will receive information in the mail explaining options. Students who need vaccines can access immunizations through:
If you have a health care provider, contact them to make an appointment.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
Ask your health care provider to submit the records to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Immunizations for Home Learners
Students learning from home may be missing vaccines. Families can call TBDHU at 807-625-5908 or contact their local branch office to speak with a nurse about catching up.
If you have a health care provider, contact them to make an appointment.
Parents and/or guardians are responsible for reporting their child’s immunizations to their local public health unit so an up to date record is on file for the student.
Ask your health care provider to submit the records to TBDHU OR learn more about the options available for parents to submit records by visiting the Reporting and Obtaining Immunization Records webpage. There is now an option to take a photo of any paper records and upload to a secure website.
If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner OR you don’t have a primary care provider, you can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at TBDHU by calling a vaccine nurse at 807-625-5908 (in Thunder Bay) or by contacting your local branch office.
Students in this age group should also stay up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccines. See the COVID-19 vaccines webpage for more information
Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, your child can be exempted from immunization for medical reasons or due to conscience or religious belief.
No part of the ISPA affidavit can be altered (e.g. clients writes in COVID-19 vaccine) in any way and no public health unit, including TBDHU, can accept the altered document.
If a parent/legal guardian does not agree with any part of the affidavit, they must attach a separate letter or note that can be submitted with the affidavit.
Following the completion of the education session video and Statement of Conscience or Religious form, make your way to the TBDHU office in Thunder Bay Monday-Friday between 9 am-4 pm and ask to see a VPD nurse. You will receive a Vaccine Education Certificate signed and dated by a VPD nurse, as well as review and sign an attestation form with a VPD nurse. Residents in District communities should contact their local branch office for further direction.
Parents/guardians seeking an exemption in Thunder Bay must book an appointment to ensure a nurse is available to complete this process. Appointments can be booked by calling 807-625-5900 in Thunder Bay.
Make copies of your signed Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief form and submit the original to your nearest TBDHU office. It is important to keep a copy for your records.
For Further Information
Call a vaccine nurse at (807) 625-5900 or Toll-Free at 1 (888) 294-6630.