
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit Healthy Schools team is made up of 5 public health nurses and 1 public health dietitian with specific content expertise, who work together with your school community to support healthy schools. This fact sheet provides an outline of how we can support…

Is your workplace up for the "12 Days of Sit Less" Challenge? Download the 12 Days of Sit Less Workplace Toolkit for full details on how to get your coworkers sitting less and moving more.

Please note that TBDHU offices will be closed on:

December 31
January 1 (New Year's Day, 2025)

All offices throughout the District of Thunder Bay will also be closed during these times.

Note also:

The Red Rock branch office will be closed from from Monday, Dec 23 to Wednesday,…

The Adventures in Cooking program manual is designed to guide leaders through running a hands on cooking program with children. It’s geared towards use with children aged 8 to 12 years (or grade 4 to 7). The manual consists of considerations for planning the program, tips for leaders, over 70…

We would appreciate your feedback about this toolkit. Please complete this survey to give us your input:


Enter your name and contact information to learn more about body inclusivity and the Every Body Collaborative:…

Why This Report

Household food insecurity is a growing public health concern in Ontario and across Canada. It is defined as inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints.
Food insecurity has serious implications for people’s short and long-term health
Every year dietitians…