STBBI Testing and Treatment Guidelines

Common STBBIs in Thunder Bay and District include gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis.

National Guidelines

National recommendations for the screening and diagnosis of STBBIs, and the treatment of STIs of national public health importance are outlined at: Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections: Guides for Health Professionals (Public Health Agency of Canada).

Infection Specific Information

For infection specific reporting obligations, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis & laboratory testing, treatment & case management, and patient information please visit the associated page:

For Further Information

Call the TBDHU Sexual Health Clinic at (807) 625-5976 or toll-free 1-888-294-6630
Health care providers may also e-mail TBDHU Sexual Health Nurses at

Note: If you are sharing a client’s personal health information, please fax to 807-625-4866 instead of e-mailing. 

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